Showing posts with label Bussines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bussines. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

BlackBerry With Android Based Will Named Priv

Smartphones Media Update

When the news about the BlackBerry plans to make Android-based smartphone out, the smartphone is known as the "Venice". The name seems to be a code and it will be abandoned, replaced by the actual name.

By Evan Blass -evleaks - and N4BB, Android-based smartphone that BlackBerry will launch will be named BlackBerry Priv. As mentioned Engadget, allegedly, the name refers to the special features available on the smartphone, which is better privacy.

In addition to divulge the official name, Evleaks also uploaded a new picture of the BlackBerry Priv, which you can see below. Picture this time showing a smartphone with the same model are shown by a variety of images leaked before this, one image that was leaked a citizen of Vietnam.

BlackBerry Priv is a slider that comes with a QWERTY keyboard. It has a curved section on the right and left and is equipped with a 18MP camera.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mobile Android BlackBerry Released November?

Smartphone media update-The latest leak of the Android phones are made BlackBerry mentioning that, the phone will be released in November 2015.

"BlackBerry Venice is slide in November, released by the four national operators in the United States," chirping accountevleaks, Evan Blass who had the reputation of accurate product launches.

In the nudgeevleaks also include photos that he claims as BlackBerry Venice. One of the photos shows the Google Play logo, and another photo showing a portal that can be accessed Hub BlackBerry users to view email, messaging diamonds, and social media in one place.

BlackBerry Venice is quite interesting, perbaduan typical physical keyboard BlackBerry with Android operating system is believed to be providing something new, fresher than most of the latest mobile phones.

 BlackBerry Venice is also rumored to be brought middle-class specification, 5.4-inch display with qHD resolution and processor Snapdragon 808. But it seems not everyone is enthusiastic about the mobile phone.

Blog devoted BlackBerry, Crackberry never conducted a poll with a simple question "Do you intend to buy a BlackBerry Android?"

And the answer is surprising. Of 12 065 voters who participated in the poll, 6.537 or 54.18 per cent choose not to buy it.

While 2.982 or 24.72 percent of voters are still uncertain or there is the possibility to buy depends on what the Android-based BlackBerry later. Voters say yes and loved how the BlackBerry join the Android ecosystem amounted to 2.546 voters or as much as 21.1 percent of the total.

BlackBerry Android Still Being Mystery

Smartphone Media Update- A number of rumors are emerging about the development of products based on Android by BlackBerry increasingly reaping curious. How BlackBerry response about this?

"It's a lot of rumors about the BlackBerry out there, including the matter of the production of handsets based on Android. I have no interest to give a response on that," said Steve Zipperstein as Chief Legal Officer Global BlackBerry while talking to media in Jakarta, Tuesday (25/8) ,

 Even so, the BlackBerry stated that the company will continue to produce handsets. But still did not give more information on what operating system will be used.
Zipperstein later confirmed, the company is currently focusing on the development of software or software that is considered to provide a distinct advantage. The Company made four acquisitions software company that also promote the securities in the program.
First, the German company Secusmart that focus on high-level security encryption for voice data and text messaging.
Then the company WatchDox capable of making the users can control the settings on each email account. Then Movertu companies that are believed to produce software for dual SIM phone to be able to register two numbers at once.
There is also the company QNX as a base platform that is able to develop the operating system BlackBerry 10. Finally, Zipperstein said the company is in the process of acquisition ATHOC which allows the government to connect with the community when there are natural disasters.
"BlackBerry is clearly still prioritizing safety because so far our software is the safest," said Zipperstein, ignoring about the issue of making Android based handset.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Russia Threatens to Block Wikipedia Because Drugs

Smartphones Media Update- Russian regulator Roskomnadzor as the care of the media at Internet censorship board has ordered all Internet service providers (Internet service providers / ISP) to block Wikipedia after the site managers are reluctant to get rid of the publicity about the drug.
"Today, we hear that Roskomnadzor has instructed all ISPs to block Wikipedia Russia. Enforcement of censorship on Wikipedia content is contrary to the vision of the Wikimedia: a world in which all people can access knowledge freely," so a statement from the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization in charge Wikipedia and other projects.
Roskomnadzor find publications in Russian Wikipedia about the use of illegal drugs such as charas, a type of marijuana. Wikipedia in the publication, there is described about how to process the material to make charas.
"Warning of Roskomnadzor addressed to Wikipedia is to immediately get rid of articles about the charas," said Wikimedia media TechCrunch.

 Wikimedia Foundation itself authorize Wikipedia to be open to issues of freedom of speech and to speak in the face of government interference. Wikimedia also said the Russian Wikipedia editors who are volunteers, are currently discussing this blocking situation.
According narrative Wikimedia, Wikipedia community of Russia has held active discussions to improve the standard of their articles. The editor also has made significant changes to the text and add more information, as well as citations from reliable sources.
"Communities have included a warning banner in Russian Wikipedia page to show the netizens that the site is blocked," said the Wikimedia.
Besides Wikipedia, Russia has recently also blocked websites Reddit such as online forums to discuss about how to grow magic mushrooms.
Roskomnadzor said it had sent electronic mail or email to Reddit order to remove the related content muhsroom magic. Reddit was later declared not respond, then the site immediately blocked by the local government.

Twitter Losing One A World Greatest Hacker

Smartphone Media Update- Twitter has just lost a talented computer programmer, Charlie Miller, who had paved a Jeep car moving on the road and control it remotely as early as 2015.

A person close to the matter told Reuters, Miller left Twitter after three years of working there. It is unknown what will be done next Miller.

Miller is a former hacker who worked in the US intelligence agency, the National Security Agency (NSA), which is also one of the most recognized cyber security expert in the world.

A Twitter spokesman did not immediately comment on the departure of Miller.

 The last action indicated hacking Miller is breaking into a Jeep-based system computer. He did this together researchers Chris Valasek of IOActive to give presentations cyber security conference in Las Vegas.

Action both make Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, the parent company of the Jeep, pulling back 1.4 million vehicles in the market that potentially compromised computer systems and potentially endanger motorists.

Vehicles are then installed new software to prevent hackers get into the car entertainment system via the mobile network, and then can control the engine, brakes and steering.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Samsung Make Monitor That Can Charge Mobile

Smartphone Media Update-Samsung to innovate in order to monitor the device does not just have a larger size, more pixels, and put on a new type of screen, but Samsung claims it is the first monitor can charge the battery in the smart phone wirelessly.

SE370 monitor products that are present in a size of 23.6 inches and 27 inches. It features the ability to charge the battery throughout the mobile device that has been put on the Qi wireless charging standard.

 Qi Wireless standards set by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), a consortium formed by major technology companies, such as Samsung, Sony, Nokia, until Texas Instrumentm who together develop and promote charging wirelessly.

To be able to charge, a cell phone should be put in a special position just under the screen and below the Samsung logo. Charging begins if the LED lights show green color.

In the specification, this monitor screen resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels, there is a HDMI port, and supports the operating systems Microsoft Windows and Mac.

In addition to charging, SE370 monitor can also be used to surf the Internet and when used to play games can produce a satisfactory image.

Unfortunately, the South Korean company has not revealed the availability and price monitor SE370 in the global market.

Hydrogen Battery Life, iPhone 6 Could Hold Week

Smartphones Media Update- Intelligent Energy, the technology company specializing in the field of electric power, announced a new invention that could change the world of technology, smart phones powered by hydrogen.
The company claims to find a technology that can convert hydrogen as a power supply for smart phones. Mobile phones with this type of promised battery can last for one week with a single charge.

It was trying to prove Intelligent Energy to create a prototype iPhone 6 which uses hydrogen battery. Roughtly was similar to the original, but with the addition of small ventilation holes on the back.

 Independent quoted from the site, the hydrogen battery works by combining hydrogen and oxygen in the fuel cell are very thin to create electricity.
"Technology like this has never been found before. Our findings can create fuel cells are so small as to be inserted into the phone with a fitting frame without having made changes to the framework of the mobile phone, "said Henri Winand, chief executive of Intelligent Energy.
"This is important because in the world of technology, new things that you offer should be in line with the things that people had been used to," he added.
In addition to a longer service life, using hydrogen batteries can also reduce the waste normally produced by conventional batteries.
Until now, the discovery of the hydrogen battery technology is still in prototype form. However, the Intelligent Energy companies are trying to develop the invention to later be used by smartphone users.
Mark Lawson-Statham, chief financial officer of Intelligent Energy, stated that it still needed a few more years until hydrogen-powered batteries that can be sold on the market.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Apple Admits iPhone Camera Small Part 6 Plus Troubled

Smartphones Media Update- If you buy a smart phone Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus between September 2014 until January 2015, you are probably one of the consumers who get behind the camera unit problematic and can be replaced free of charge.

In an announcement on the official website of Apple, the company said "in a small percentage of iPhone 6 Plus, iSight camera components may fail and cause your photos look blurry."

To get a replacement unit free camera, consumers need to check the device in advance

 If your device's serial number is not listed, then you do not need to replace the camera unit and do not worry about the camera on the iPhone 6 Plus is flawed.

But if you record the serial number, then you need to replace it and go to the Apple Store retail stores or retail stores such as Apple's partner iBox.

In the last part of the message, Apple also said it is possible consumers incur additional costs to replace the camera if found certain cases.

Apple advises users to back up the data on your phone to iTunes or iCloud before bringing the iPhone 6 Plus camera unit to be replaced.

If there is a problem of damage on the outside of the camera, such as cracked screens, Apple asks consumers to resolve the issue first.

96.8 Percent of Smartphone Sold is Android and iPhone

Smartphones Media Update- Reports global sales of smart phones in the second quarter 2015 from Gartner, shows the position of Android and iOS are still strong in this business. Meanwhile, Microsoft's BlackBerry continues to shrink and stagnate.

Gartner said that there are 329 million units of smart phones sold in the second quarter of 2015. Of that amount, a total of 319 million units is based on Android and iOS devices representing 96.8 percent market share.

When dissected, Android still dominates the smart phone operating system market with 82.2 percent, or about 271 million units sold. Unfortunately, the growth of Android's market share decreased from 83.8 percent in the same period in 2014.

 While iOS based phone or iPhone, has now grown to 14.6 percent, or about 48 million units sold compared with 12.2 percent market share in the same period last year.

Windows mobile operating system and BlackBerry in the second quarter of 2015 respectively won only 2.5 percent and 0.3 percent. In the same period the previous year, they each grabbed a market share of 2.8 percent and 0.7 percent.

 Gartner said the smart phone industry is likely to reach the stage of maturity, because of a very large market such as China begins to reach saturation point.In this quarter, sales of smart phones in China fell 4 percent compared to the same period in 2014."China has reached the saturation of the mobile market which is basically driven by consumers replacing the least, and the number of first time buyers of smart phones less," said Anshul Gupta, Research Director at Gartner.China called Gupta accounted for about 30 percent of total global sales of smart phones in the second quarter 2015.Similar data was released research institute IDC said shipments of smart phones to the Bamboo Curtain country in the first quarter 2015 decreased for the first time in six years amounted to 98.8 million units, down 4.3 percent from the same period in 2014.Tay Xiaohan analyst of IDC said the decline in China will make major producers greater expansion in a market that is still growing such as in India and Southeast Asia.

Mercedes Benz Open Opportunities Cooperation With Apple And Google
Mercedes Benz Of CEO Daimler, Dieter Zetsche

Smartphones media Update- Daimler CEO and leader of the car business Mercedes Benz, Dieter Zetsche said the automaker could work with telecommunications companies and software to build next-generation cars.

He also said open to "different kinds of cooperation" with Apple or Google to provide substantial input in developing the car.

"Many things imaginable," said Zetsche in an interview with Deutsche Unternehmerboerse quarterly magazine published Friday, 8/21).

 "Googel and Apple could provide software systems for the car and bring the whole ecosystem into the vehicle. It could be interesting for both sides," he continued.

Zetsche insists that these comments only suppose, because so far there is no agreement whatsoever.

 He said, would not let his company down the role just as stupid suppliers, which only produces cars for the company's Silicon Valley.
"We do not want to be a contractor who does not have direct content with the customer and only supplying hardware to a third party," he said.
Not only Zetsche who said so, but Volkswagen Chairman Martin Winterkorn was also thought so. He has urged the automakers to work together with the company's technology in future make cars safer and smarter.
The presence of a car without a steering wheel that can run itself without the driver of the development of Google, enabling smart car about the future of technology companies based in Silicon Valley.
Apple also reportedly is developing electric cars that can run automatically. While Tesla, has been marketing electric cars and are testing new software that allows the car to run automatically without the control of the driver.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Step Nokia acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent Approved EU

Smartphones Media Update- The European Commission has approved the action of telecom infrastructure provider Nokia to acquire Alcatel-Lucent, Friday (24/7), because they are not pesain close and will continue to face strong global competition.

"The Commission found that, although the combined company after the combined market share to be around 30 percent for some particular types of equipment, and overlapping of activities between the two companies is effectively limited," the European Commission said in a statement.

In general, the EU is not worried about going on the monopoly of the action of the combined company Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent, which later changed its name into Nokia Corp.

 The Commission notes Nokia has a strong market in Europe, while Alcatel-Lucent has a small market there. While in North America Alcatel-Lucent has a large market, and Nokia small.

Nokia announced in mid-April that it would buy all shares of Alcatel-Lucent from France to the value of approximately US $ 16.6 billion, or around Rp 213 trillion.

Merging these two companies make them become the company's second-largest provider of telecommunications infrastructure behind Ericsson from Sweden.

Nokia and Alcatel certainly hope they can be challenging step from Chinese manufacturers, such as Huawei and ZTE, aggressive offer products and services at reasonable prices. CEO of Nokia, Rejeev Suri, will lead the merged firm.

Bolt 4G LTE Not Afraid to Compete with Other Operators

Smartphones Media Update- Internux telecommunications company pleaded not afraid to compete with other mobile operators which already hold a 4G LTE Internet service, because Internux will also strengthen Internet service under the brand name Bolt.

Internux so far confident with the technology that they use and feel first known as the company that gives consumers 4G LTE services.

"We feel pretty confident with the technology that we apply in our products," said Larry Ridwan as Chief Commercial Office Internux, in a press conference in Jakarta, Friday (21/8).

 Competition, according to Larry, nice to educate consumers about the latest technology and as a driver in order Internux continue to improve services and satisfy customers.

"It used to Bolt was the only one that offers mobile broadband in Indonesia. Now with many rivals, so we can know that we are already doing the right thing. The advent of rival shows that we are on the right track," he continued.

Internux working to expand the number of customers to make smart mobile devices and tablets are bundled service Bolt.

 They also begin to bundle services Bolt with smart phones sold in the open market, including the Samsung Galaxy J5, which supports 4G LTE networks in the 2,300 MHz spectrum owned by Internux.

"In the end, the buyer will choose the best product. So, we leave it to consumers whether to buy our products or not," said Larry.

Internux telecommunications company licensee of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA), which means simply providing Internet services. He was not permitted by the government to provide telephone services (voice) and text messaging (SMS). Operational area just in Greater Jakarta, Banten, and Medan.

While other operators that have deployed 4G LTE, such as Telkomsel, Indosat, XL Axiata, and Smartfren, has added value to provide telephony services and SMS.

Nokia Official Release Digital Map Here
Smartphones Media Update- Nokia Here certainly will change ownership. This after the pembesut, Nokia, announced it has completed an agreement with a consortium of German car manufacturer, Audi, BMW and Daimler.

This is consistent with previous reports circulating, the third luxury car manufacturer agreed to pay US $ 3 billion or equivalent to Rp 427 trillion to be able to get the Nokia Here. These acquisitions are expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2016.
 Quoting from Windows Central, after this announcement, the team of Nokia Here says that will not affect the digital mapping applications to Android, iOS and Windows Phone.
Nokia Here will become more widespread as mobile navigation which allows use to the car manufacturers. Moreover known, Here will be a high-definition technology to make the automakers to develop a car without a driver and integrate the service to connect to a new generation of vehicles.
With the completion of the sale Here, Nokia will serve as two business entities: Nokia Networks, which provides network and telecommunications infrastructure, and Nokia Technologies, which will continue to develop technology products such as recently announced a virtual reality OZO camera.
Nokia Here is touted as the most advanced map application. Complete with the latest technology that allows users to navigate, the map is also arguably the most precise in his prime.
Another advantage offered by Nokia Here is the ability to navigate without the Internet and without charge to users. The first is a very luxurious and most sought after mobile phone users.
Sophistication Nokia Here inseparable from Navteq map technology that Nokia purchased several years ago with fantastic value, US $ 8.1 billion. Far more expensive than Nokia Here today are 'just' bought US $ 3 billion.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Apple Promises Recruit More Women and Minorities

Smartphones Media Update- Technology company Apple claims to have recruited more than 11,000 women to become employees in 2014 ago. This figure is claimed to be 65 percent higher than the previous 12 months.

But until now, the company Apple still dominated by male employees by 69 percent and dominated by whites.

In a diversity report, Apple said that as much as 54 percent of employees are white, then 18 percent of Asians, 11 percent Hispanic, and about eight percent of blacks.

The company said they now employs 2,200 employees and 2,700 employees blacks Hispanics, whose numbers increased by respectively 50 percent and 66 percent.

 From all of that, the company established by Steve Jobs, said nearly 50 percent of new hires in the first half of 2015 were women, blacks, Hispanic or Native American.

Apple and a number of large technology companies in the United States recently hit by the issue of diversity employees. Some companies assessed should recruit more women and other groups.

The company has promised to recruit more women and minorities in the technology industry. Until March 2015, Apple said it had spent US $ 50 million to recruit women and minorities.

Apple itself, in high leadership level, is still dominated by men by 72 per cent and 63 per cent are white employees.

If you get into a position of technology, such as software engineers and programmers, as many as 79 percent are still filled men and 78 percent of whites and Asians.

Suspected Cheating, Google founders divorced wife
Sergey Brin
Smartphones Media Update- Big Dipper household between Google co-founder Sergey Brin and his wife Anne Wojcicki who have been nurtured more than six years should be ended. Both have been declared officially divorced.

Brin Wojcicki married since 2007 and until today they are blessed with two children. Court of Santa Clara, USA, has been knocking hammer as a sign of their legitimate been officially separated.

The news about her divorce with his wife not too surprising news. Since two years, they are known to have separated. One reason is because, Brin known affair with one of his employees named Amanda Rosenberg.

 Though Rosenberg was then the lover of Vice President of Product Management Hugo Barra Android. He himself eventually move to Xiaomi and touted as a result of the personal conflicts. But Rosenberg and Brin according to Business Insider sources are no longer related.

Meanwhile between Wojcicki and Brin since their separation, they remain close to one another in Los Altos and continue to raise their children as a team, the source said.

Brin himself was one of the richest men in the world of technology. According to Forbes, his last possessions in the range of USD 22.8 billion, making him the richest man in the world ranking of 21.

Suspected Cheating, Google founders divorced wife
Amanda Rosenberg

 While his wife was less flashy, too, he successfully founded the pioneering company 23andMe and successfully get investors with funds reached US $ 110 million. And indeed predictable, one of the contributors to the funds it is Google itself.

Meanwhile Google spokesman declined to comment about the shipwreck household internet giant boss.

Half-year, 34.7 Million Xiaomi Mobile Phones Sold

Smartphones Media Update- 2015 only halfway Xiaomi has recorded sales that make the top brass happy. Reported within the last six months, Xiaomi has been able to ship 35 million smart phones.

Of the 35 million devices shipped in the first half of 2015 was, Xiaomi has been able to sell almost entirely. Rather they have sold 34.7 million units of smart phones. Xiaomi is getting closer to the target to be able to sell 70 million mobile devices by the end of

 According to the CEO and founder of Xiaomi Lie Jun, the "Even with the slowing of the Chinese market, we do in fact grow up to 33 percent. It may be said that we outperformed the market today.""Growth Xiaomi is phenomenal and has even managed to beat the veteran players and major industries such as Samsung in China."

It should also be noted that these sales occurred mostly in Asia where most Xiaomi operates, so imagine how many numbers will increase when if Xiaomi able to penetrate the United States market.In the Americas region, Xiaomi has tried to infiltrate by opening its debut outside of Asia, precisely in the area of ​​Brazil. In the land of the Samba, Xiaomi has been greeted, although sales have never done before.Vice President International Xiaomi Hugo Barra looks very pleased with the welcome Xiaomi fans in the country. In fact, when the inaugural sale starts, the fans willing to queue it up to the outside stage.
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