Saturday, August 8, 2015

Negative influence due to the presence of mobile phones and google

Smartphone Media Update-The presence of Google and smart phones that can simplify human activities proved to have adverse effects. Both were made public in the United Kingdom 'amnesia'.

A study of Karsperksy Lab reveals the influence of smart phones and Google are constantly always ready 24 hours exerting any information about it without retained as a memory by the user.
Given the name of the term "digital amnesia ',' disease 'is being experienced by the people of Britain.

From Several Of respondents with ages 16 to 24 years, they said it had to rely on their smart phones in Everything matters which may need to be truly memorable. For example, they keep other people's contact information and other important details only on their digital devices only.

While there are as many as 71 percent of adults who can not remember the phone number of their children because of reliance on smart phones.

 "We need to understand the long term implications on how we remember things and how we protect these memories," said Principal Security Research Karspersky Lab, David Emm, citing the website of The Telegraph.
He continued, "the presence of the smart phone and the Google search engine that does not need much effort to be accessed, is the root of human behavior in searching for and storing the information. So practical, so we no longer feel it is important to remember it all."
Doctor Kathryn Mills of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience likens internet access such as electricity and running water in human life.
"Forgetting something is certainly not a bad thing. Human beings are adaptable and we can not remember all of it. However, forgetting would lead danger if it concerns the loss of information that should be remembered," said Mills.
The study from Microsoft that show the span of human attention has fallen from 12 seconds to eight seconds in 2000 ago where the mobile revolution began.
A study made in 2012 and also showed a lot of school parties who fear that if the attention span of students is becoming increasingly shorter because more fond of spending time in the online realm.

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