Sunday, August 23, 2015

Mercedes Benz Open Opportunities Cooperation With Apple And Google
Mercedes Benz Of CEO Daimler, Dieter Zetsche

Smartphones media Update- Daimler CEO and leader of the car business Mercedes Benz, Dieter Zetsche said the automaker could work with telecommunications companies and software to build next-generation cars.

He also said open to "different kinds of cooperation" with Apple or Google to provide substantial input in developing the car.

"Many things imaginable," said Zetsche in an interview with Deutsche Unternehmerboerse quarterly magazine published Friday, 8/21).

 "Googel and Apple could provide software systems for the car and bring the whole ecosystem into the vehicle. It could be interesting for both sides," he continued.

Zetsche insists that these comments only suppose, because so far there is no agreement whatsoever.

 He said, would not let his company down the role just as stupid suppliers, which only produces cars for the company's Silicon Valley.
"We do not want to be a contractor who does not have direct content with the customer and only supplying hardware to a third party," he said.
Not only Zetsche who said so, but Volkswagen Chairman Martin Winterkorn was also thought so. He has urged the automakers to work together with the company's technology in future make cars safer and smarter.
The presence of a car without a steering wheel that can run itself without the driver of the development of Google, enabling smart car about the future of technology companies based in Silicon Valley.
Apple also reportedly is developing electric cars that can run automatically. While Tesla, has been marketing electric cars and are testing new software that allows the car to run automatically without the control of the driver.

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