Monday, August 10, 2015

iPhone Assemblers Employes Death Suicide
Smartphones Media Update- Foxconn Technology Group said on Friday (7/8) that of a worker in an assembly facility found dead iPhone.
From the statement of Foxconn, the 28-year-old boy was found dead on Tuesday (4/8) outside one of the campus buildings in Zhenghou, China.
World Time proclaim, nonprofit organization China Labor Watch said that the death was suicide because the workers jumped from the building.

Then Foxconn told the Wall Street Journal said the company was cooperating with law enforcement authorities to investigate the deaths further.
This fateful incident is not the first occurred in the manufacturer's factory iPhone.
 Foxconn known to have undergone a series of cases related to the working conditions of its employees are considered "less than human".
Foxconn has previously promised to improve working conditions for employees who number one million more were in China.

Apple has also been promising the same thing because many cases Foxconn workers who committed suicide in 2010 ago. The report from the BBC in 2014 and which states workers in China are still suffering from the ill-treatment of the company.
Workers there reportedly did not receive adequate rest periods due to undergo a very long working hours, which reached 16 hours.
 They also reportedly did not allow workers to get time off, do not provide some sort of shelter (dorm), and do not pay extra wages over the coming meeting.
At that time, both Foxconn and Apple denied skewed. In January, Apple allow the Fair Labor Association (FLA) to examine the workings of the workers to the issues of health, safety, compensation, and working hours at Foxconn.

News Take from CNN Indonesia

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