Monday, August 24, 2015

Hydrogen Battery Life, iPhone 6 Could Hold Week

Smartphones Media Update- Intelligent Energy, the technology company specializing in the field of electric power, announced a new invention that could change the world of technology, smart phones powered by hydrogen.
The company claims to find a technology that can convert hydrogen as a power supply for smart phones. Mobile phones with this type of promised battery can last for one week with a single charge.

It was trying to prove Intelligent Energy to create a prototype iPhone 6 which uses hydrogen battery. Roughtly was similar to the original, but with the addition of small ventilation holes on the back.

 Independent quoted from the site, the hydrogen battery works by combining hydrogen and oxygen in the fuel cell are very thin to create electricity.
"Technology like this has never been found before. Our findings can create fuel cells are so small as to be inserted into the phone with a fitting frame without having made changes to the framework of the mobile phone, "said Henri Winand, chief executive of Intelligent Energy.
"This is important because in the world of technology, new things that you offer should be in line with the things that people had been used to," he added.
In addition to a longer service life, using hydrogen batteries can also reduce the waste normally produced by conventional batteries.
Until now, the discovery of the hydrogen battery technology is still in prototype form. However, the Intelligent Energy companies are trying to develop the invention to later be used by smartphone users.
Mark Lawson-Statham, chief financial officer of Intelligent Energy, stated that it still needed a few more years until hydrogen-powered batteries that can be sold on the market.

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1 comment:

  1. The other way to assure battery operability is to have your alarm systems inspected once a year. 800% battery


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