Sunday, August 23, 2015

96.8 Percent of Smartphone Sold is Android and iPhone

Smartphones Media Update- Reports global sales of smart phones in the second quarter 2015 from Gartner, shows the position of Android and iOS are still strong in this business. Meanwhile, Microsoft's BlackBerry continues to shrink and stagnate.

Gartner said that there are 329 million units of smart phones sold in the second quarter of 2015. Of that amount, a total of 319 million units is based on Android and iOS devices representing 96.8 percent market share.

When dissected, Android still dominates the smart phone operating system market with 82.2 percent, or about 271 million units sold. Unfortunately, the growth of Android's market share decreased from 83.8 percent in the same period in 2014.

 While iOS based phone or iPhone, has now grown to 14.6 percent, or about 48 million units sold compared with 12.2 percent market share in the same period last year.

Windows mobile operating system and BlackBerry in the second quarter of 2015 respectively won only 2.5 percent and 0.3 percent. In the same period the previous year, they each grabbed a market share of 2.8 percent and 0.7 percent.

 Gartner said the smart phone industry is likely to reach the stage of maturity, because of a very large market such as China begins to reach saturation point.In this quarter, sales of smart phones in China fell 4 percent compared to the same period in 2014."China has reached the saturation of the mobile market which is basically driven by consumers replacing the least, and the number of first time buyers of smart phones less," said Anshul Gupta, Research Director at Gartner.China called Gupta accounted for about 30 percent of total global sales of smart phones in the second quarter 2015.Similar data was released research institute IDC said shipments of smart phones to the Bamboo Curtain country in the first quarter 2015 decreased for the first time in six years amounted to 98.8 million units, down 4.3 percent from the same period in 2014.Tay Xiaohan analyst of IDC said the decline in China will make major producers greater expansion in a market that is still growing such as in India and Southeast Asia.

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