Tuesday, September 15, 2015

BlackBerry Users Most Loyal Compared to the iPhone and Samsung

Smartphone Media Update

A new survey from the research institute Kantar Worldpanel showed how consumers like to wear smart phones from various brand manufacturers. Smart phone users are most loyal to wear?

The technology giants such as iPhone, Samsung, Microsoft Mobile, until the BlackBerry release a product with the latest specifications every year, some are only a few months. It is certainly trigger consumers to continue to follow its development, as well as buying.

Kantar Worldpanel data shows the average consumer smart phone using the device within the last 22 months before finally buying the latest products.

 The research institute also gave details of the data smart phone brands most loyal customers use. Apparently, it was revealed that BlackBerry users tend to be at ease using smart phones in the longest time, ie with an average time of 32 months before they finally replace the new device.

Citing the site Ubergizmo, many of the assumptions about the contract awarded by the carrier for two years to consumers BlackBerry. This could be a 'barrier' to frequently replace their mobile phones.

IOS-based mobile users of Apple revealed the average use for 25 months before replacing it. Then the mobile-phone users on average Samsung replacing the product after 18 months of use.

Meanwhile, consumers Lumia from Microsoft on average to replace its products faster than users of other brands, which is approximately 16 months.

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