Monday, August 10, 2015

Original Face Pluto And United Nations Historic Day

Smartphones media update- After nearly a decade of traveling through space and time, the New Horizons mission finally succeed to get some significant and important findings. This aircraft can be shot as closely as possible with the Pluto planet.

Pluto is ordained as the farthest planet in the arrangement of the planets in the solar system successfully approached at a distance of up to 7,750 miles by the unmanned aircraft. With such distances, the New Horizons can retrieve objects more clearly.

 "Exploration of Pluto and its moons by New Horizons is one of the best in 50 years by NASA's planetary exploration and the United States," said Charles Bolden as NASA officials quoted by Tech Times

 This success is also a sign of success for NASA and the nation the United States in general.
Bolden claimed, "Once again we were the first in history. The United States is the first country to reach Pluto."

 "And with this mission we have completed a preliminary survey of our solar system. A remarkable achievement and can not be done by other nations."

So far, NASA has been waiting for New Horizons do a 'phone home' that transmit to Earth to do a status update that showed the spacecraft was safe and in good condition.

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