Monday, August 10, 2015

Facts About Pluto Turns One
Smartphones media update- Pluto is unique. Discovered by astronomer named Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, on February 18, 1930. Until 2006, still holds the status of Pluto the ninth planet in the solar system.

However, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the group that gave the name to the planets provide further evidence that Pluto is not a planet. Therefore, it is known, Pluto does not have some conditions like being in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass and so forth.

 Although no longer the ninth planet because it was the very end, by the IAU Pluto designated as a dwarf planet on August 24, 2006 because it has some similarities with the other planets.

Not satisfied to stop there, drone NASA's New Horizons buataan special shipped to browse and search for evidence about the status of Pluto. And since January 2015, New Horizons mission has been doing exploration.

The new half-year mission, New Horizons has found some facts are quite surprising. Therefore, this fact break some things that have been previously believed by some circles

 Pluto color Erroneous

Pluto as the most distant space objects and the smallest in the solar system has been described gray or blue. However photograph sent from the New Horizons probe during this proved wrong picture. Pluto colour is red
 The team of scientists for the New Horizons mission accept photo submissions on Wednesday (8/7) morning arrested by instrument Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (Lorri). The resulting images of New Horizons is when he is flying at a distance of eight million kilometers of Pluto.

The most prominent case is elongated dark shades at the equator, which is informally known as "the whale".

 Not only that, there is also a wide area of the bright heart-shaped measuring about two thousand kilometers along the right side of Pluto. In the polar regions it is also quite bright.

Pluto Not a Little Planet

During this in textbooks, described Pluto as a planet away from the sun and small. However, no matter the form of Pluto is very small.
NASA's New Horizons mission has shown much larger space in Pluto. NASA said Pluto appears to have a diameter of 1,473 miles and by their side, "Somewhat larger than previously thought."

 NASA added that this determination was made using images collected by the probe Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (Lorri)."The size of Pluto have been debated since its discovery in 1930. We are very happy to finally debate is over," said scientist Bill McKinnon in a statement, quoted from Cnet.Getting to Know New HorizonsNew Horizons is a miracle, designed to venture into space over the years, along with sensitive cameras and scientific instruments that had hibernated for protection.New Horizons began to shoot a lot of photos that cold planet from a distance in April. As the plane was approaching Pluto, the pictures taken are expected to be a hundred times more detail."This aircraft had a hint system, communication system, propulsion power system, and the seven scientific instruments on his body. Everything is high-tech. It is the most advanced spacecraft ever sent to the first review mission. I think pictures of Pluto and the month will surprise and amaze people, "said the head of NASA's New Horizons mission, Alan Stern.

 He added that New Horizons will continue to collect data after he approached Pluto. This allows aircraft power sources to operate in space for 20 years.

"We can not predict what its findings and it is the best part. It's a real exploration and there has never been anything like this since the 1980s and the Voyager program. It's been a long time," he said.

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