Thursday, August 13, 2015

Indosat Offer Router for Internet and Telephone Office

Smartphones Media Update-Indosat telecommunications company offering a wireless router device to the small and medium business segment as the introduction of wireless-based Internet connection and cable, and also phone technology commonly applied in the office.

The products named Instant Office, it can deploy a 3G Internet connection that can be connected to 20 devices via Wi-Fi or wired LAN.

This service also provides fixed telephone offices, which exist Hunting and Menu features Interactive Voice (IVR) so as to improve the customer experience when making phone calls to the office number.

 Director & Chief Sales & Distribution Officer of Indosat, said Joy Wahyudi, with Instant Office office telecommunication needs can be incorporated so as to save costs.

"With the ease of installation of the device, Internet connection and telephone simultaneously, we hope to help the customer's operational efficiency and can improve employee productivity," Joy said in a press release received by CNN Indonesia, Wednesday (12/8).

Package prices offered by Indosat for Instant Office is initiated from Ro 180,000 to $ 410,000. Customers can also check the quota of the Internet and other bonuses through Instant application available on Google Play Store.

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