Wednesday, August 12, 2015

HTC Will Layoff Employees And Reduce Mobile Phone Type

Smartphone Media Update- HTC plans to reduce the number of employees and the type of phone they are going to release in 2016. In the future, they will be admitted only focus on the types of phones that are considered potential for business.

HTC step was taken after their difficult times as never ended. According to some analysts, HTC's products are considered less has competitiveness, often labeled not orginal. As quoted by Reuters on Monday (10/8).

"The reduction of these employees will be experienced by all members of the board. It will significantly influence on the company," said Chialin Chang as chief financial officer of HTC. The announcement was made after the company reported losses they experienced in the second quarter.

 HTC also forecast to experience a similar loss in the third quarter.

According to Chang, the production cost cuts will take effect until the first quarter of next year. But Chang declined to provide further information.

The stock market has indeed been lost interest in HTC for several years. HTC's stock price so far has declined drastically, amounting to 51 percent. One cause of this is the inability Hali HTC to compete with the sophisticated products output of Samsung and Apple.

Although HTC will reduce labor and production cost cuts, analysts believe that HTC will continue to experience difficulties in at least four quarters ahead.

"In our opinion, HTC's share price will continue to decline and continues to suffer losses," said analyst Calvin Huang.

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