Thursday, August 13, 2015

Indians Can not Access Porn Site Again

Smartphones Media Update- Internet service providers in India has blocked access to more than 800 pornographic sites on the orders of the local telecom regulator, Tuesday (3/8).

Direct orders from the regulator asked telecommunications companies to block sites that are "found to spread anti-social activities."

"We do not want them to become a social nuisance," said a spokesman at the Ministry of Telecommunications of India, told Reuters.

 India recently appeared online petition argued that the high rate of crime against women is driven by ease of access to pornographic content on the Internet.

Currently a number of pornographic Web sites like YouPorn and PornHub can not be accessed, and users in India only find a blank white page when visiting sites of this kind.

Some other users reported that they received the statement reads, "The URL you requested has been blocked in accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Telecommunications, Government of India."

An official at the Ministry of Telecommunications told The Financial Times that this access restriction is only temporary, and users with virtual private network (virtual private network) can still access porn sites.

This step condemnation of Indian citizens who believe in social media, and there is also criticism of lawyers to freedom of expression activists.

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