Monday, August 10, 2015

4 of 5 Adults Love Send Message Obscene

Smartphones Media Update-Some researchers found that four out of five adults are fond of texting obscene or more commonly referred to as sexting using their smart phones.
The term sexting is usually interpreted as explicit messaging activity of a sexual nature, either send text messages or picture content.

"Sexting is a prevalent behavior committed by adults for a variety of reasons," wrote Emily Stasko, a doctoral student in psychology at Drexel University in his study. He continued, "these findings indicate a strong association between messaging activities and sexual satisfaction."

 Some researchers found that four out of five adults are fond of texting obscene or more commonly referred to as sexting using their smart phones.

The term sexting is usually interpreted as explicit messaging activity of a sexual nature, either send text messages or picture content.

"Sexting is a prevalent behavior committed by adults for a variety of reasons," wrote Emily Stasko, a doctoral student in psychology at Drexel University in his study. He continued, "these findings indicate a strong association between messaging activities and sexual satisfaction."

 Stasko conduct the study with professor Pamela A. Geller who runs the Women's Health Psychology Lab at Drexel.

Geller and Stasko doing research to 870 people aged between 18 and 82 years to answer online surveys about sexting. The average age of respondents was 35 years.

The survey revealed 88 percent of respondents do sexting at least once in their lives and 82 percent in 2014 and likes to sexting.

While 74 percent of respondents said they were hooked sexting with their partners in a serious romantic relationship. Then 43 percent indicates sexting craze in casual relationships, and 12 percent admitted to sexting hooked with the affair.

 Stasko and Geller reported, about three-quarters of respondents said they usually do sexting from home and 30 percent expressed fond of sexting while at work or out of home.

Citing the Los Angeles Times website, sexting activity plays an important role for respondents who were undergoing a relationship that is not too serious. They claim to be able to get sexual satisfaction is higher.

While Stasko and Geller did not find a link between sexting and sexual satisfaction for those who were in a serious romantic relationship.

This study emphasizes the fact about sexting are likely to have a positive role in helping adult couples to communicate.

"I suggest sexting to the couple as a means of showing a desire toward one another," says Patti Britton, an expert in sexology from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco.

 Results were displayed at the annual conference of the American pyschological Assn in Toronto

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