Monday, August 10, 2015

Surprising Facts Sleeping People With Mobile Phones

Smartphones Media Update-The smart phone is one of the many technological devices are shared by most people, especially in the United States. Because of his love, they can not stay away from each smartphone.

A report Mobility Consumer Report issued by Bank of America, shows 1,000 US respondents, 71 percent fond of sleeping with their smart phones. Many of them were put on the table, 'invited' to lie in bed, up to 3 percent of them continue holding smart phone during sleep.

 It pulled it did not stop there. Approximately 35 percent of respondents said the first thing that comes to mind when they get up from bed is their smart phones. Then, only 10 percent said they think of a lover in the morning when waking from sleep.

Citing the site Time, the latest report underlines an increasing trend of human dependency properties on smart phones among other technological devices.

Still based on the statistical reports, more than half of US residents, or about 57 percent said they usually use a smart phone at least once in an hour. The highest results came from New York, which is as much as 96 percent and the second position is occupied California with figures 88 percent.

 Contrast with the decision of the Iranian authorities that some time ago prohibits civil servants wearing smart phone. They fear if the data can be accessed via mobile phone spy by foreign parties.

The restriction applies only when civil servants were in the working environment, to outdoor activities that they are free to use any phone to be desired.

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