Sunday, August 9, 2015

Android Fingerprint Data Easy Stoled

Smartphones Media Update- The researchers found that the data is a fingerprint scanner on Android smart phones turned out to be vulnerable to theft.

Cracks were found by Yulong Zhang and Tao Wei from the security company Fire Eye this can be very dangerous, especially for a phone that has a fingerprint scanner device.

Researchers probing it with a short demo showing the process of hacking, and stealing data.

More dangerous, because the fingerprint data is not like a password that can be changed. So it would be quite disturbing if such data to unauthorized hands.

 The process of hacking done by researchers using a biometric scanner, a scanner identifies a person through their physiological characteristics. The hackers will steal the user's fingerprint Android through its biometric data recorded on the phone.

Quoted from the website Tech Radar, according to Zhang and Tao Wei Yulong, some types of Android phones vulnerable to hacking fingerprints are HTC One Max and Galaxy S5.

While Apple users can breathe easier because Apple security systems more secure. Biometric data recorded Apple users password-protected by a password, so it is quite difficult for hackers.

Fortunately, Android users can do the same to protect their personal data. Simply by giving a password for biometric data, fingerprints they can be protected from hackers.

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