Monday, August 10, 2015

Star Wars And Star Trek Figure Emblazoned on the Moon Pluto
Smartphones media- New Horizons spacecraft NASA Pluto venture also has the duty to observe the planet's largest moon, Charon.
Charon's surface filled with many craters. So as not to confuse, NASA also gave the name of the craters.
So far, the names proposed by NASA informal character still has not been officially alias. However, a list of names that attract the attention of many people, especially the loyal fans of the franchise story of Star Trek and Star Wars.

The crew of NASA's New Horizons control recently released a map of the crater that was in complete Charon with their names. NASA has put the name Vader and Skywalker Crater Crater for a crater that is located in the upper left. Two names are taken from the name of the character in the story of Star Wars, the Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.
Then there is in the area of ​​Vulcan Planum, NASA gave the name of the craters in there with figures in Star Trek, including Kirk Crater, Crater Sulu and Uhura Crater.While the vast dark area near the north pole of Charon is named Mordor Macula. Mordor is the name of the black volcanic plains of the tale fantasy The Lord of the Rings JRR Tolkien.
Citing the site, when New Horizons flew across Pluto and Charon, the plane of the piano was indeed reveal a complex world with a variety of surfaces. Therefore, NASA has a lot of options for naming.Unknown Pluto's surface is divided into six themes by NASA, one of which is naming based on spacecraft like Voyager, Pioneer, and Hayabusa.
Those names will be unveiled by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). IAU itself is famous for its claims about Pluto that is not 'escape' compliance a planet in 2006 and put it into the list of dwarf planets or dwarf planets.
NASA's New Horizons team predicts would take 15 months to transmit images and observations in full as long as he crosses Pluto and Charon.

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