Saturday, August 22, 2015

Microsoft Close One Factory Owned Nokia
Smartphones Media Update- Technology companies Microsoft confirmed on Friday (21/8), that they would shut down the mobile phone factory built by Nokia in Salo, Finland, and cut 2,300 workers there.

The factory is one of the old factory built Nokia. But the plant was ultimately owned by Microsoft after they buy Nokia mobile phone business unit, which transaction was completed on 25 April 2014 for US $ 7.2 billion, or around Rp 79 trillion.

Microsoft told Reuters that two other factories located in Espoo and Tampere, will remain in operation.

 Termination of employment of 2,300 employees was included in the streamlining plan of organization Microsoft in July said it would cut 7,800 employees globally.

Microsoft also said that most of the employees were laid off it comes from Nokia's business units purchased last year.

Now, the business unit was renamed into Microsoft Mobile and produce smart phones with Microsoft Lumia brand to the mobile phone based on Windows Phone that target the upper middle class, and the brand of Nokia's mobile lower middle class.

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