Friday, August 14, 2015

How to Attract Developer Through Microsoft Windows 10

Smartphones Media Update- Tracing back the previous operating system Windows 8 and 8.1 are paid, users migrating from Windows 7 recorded not as expected. This has an impact on the interest of developers who also declined. Different strategies applied to the OS Windows 10.

Business Group Head Windows Indonesia, Lucky Gani explained that since 2014 and in Windows Insider Program, Microsoft is embracing the global user to open discussion Questioning this new OS.

 "On this occasion, users can distribute advice on how an operating system they want. Windows 10 is not just the OS, but the user experience they love," said Lucky.
He told me, before the official launch, the various features of Windows 10 has a series of overhaul in order to adjust the interests and needs of consumers. One of them features multitasking on the device screen computer.
Then the Microsoft team to increase and update again from the driver until finally compatible. He also claimed many of which expressed satisfaction with Windows 10.
"We were also very surprised to learn successfully achieved 14 million installed within 24 hours after its release. The figure we believe will continue to grow," said Lucky. "That way, should the developer would have thought that the creation of their applications would also be in demand by users whose numbers exploded."
Plus, OS Windows 10 is given for free is also cross-device (cross device). So not only on PCs and tablet devices, but also can be inserted in the phone, Xbox, until HoloLens hologram device.
Lucky said, cross device aims to facilitate the Microsoft ecosystem and attract more developers to enrich the Microsoft Store.
So far, Windows 10 is already available in 190 countries. Some time ago, Microsoft announced the latest operating system that has been run by 14 million computers within 24 hours after launch.

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