Saturday, August 15, 2015

Harvard Student Story That Make Up Angry

Smartphones Media Update- After the incident Tinder wrath criticized due to the journalist, Facebook was upset due to the weakness of the system revealed a Harvard University student.

The story began three months ago when a student named Aran Khanna makes an application entitled "Marauders Map", ie maps that can show the location of a friend while chatting via Facebook Messenger.

Khanna utilize the Chrome extension to the Messenger home page to collect user location data is shared. Then, the data is allocated into the Marauders Map.

If you download the Marauders Map, users will feel a different experience while chatting via Messenger. Map location friend will immediately show up each time a user communicates.

Not only that, the Marauders Map also allows the user to know the schedule of daily activities as long as the Messenger friends are often invited friends to chat. According to Khanna, this is possible because of the security hole privacy on Facebook service.

 On May 26, 2015, Khanna announced the creation of applications through articles in Medium. Not only that, Khanna also revealed weaknesses Facebook that he found.
"Facebook Messenger automatically sends the user's location to review all messages. It also allows one to know the pattern of activity Messenger users," so written Khanna in Medium.
After uploading the article, the Marauders Map so viral. In an instant, the file extension was downloaded 85,000 reconnaissance maps Messenger users, said Khanna. Facebook was sniffing popularity Marauders Map.
Facebook representatives immediately contacted Khanna and ask Marauders Map immediately closed. "At the request of Facebook, I am closing the extension version Marauders Map. Facebook is also disable sharing of the location of its website," Khanna added the writing on the medium after being contacted Facebook.
A week later, June 5, 2015, Facebook released an update for Messenger. Just as the Marauders Map, an update is given the option for users to share location map to a friend.
Suspected of stealing the idea of ​​Harvard students, Facebook spokesman Matt Steinfeld promptly give clarification. "We started to develop a location-sharing feature before the Marauders Map. This is based on feedback from the users of Messenger," he said at
Earlier this week, Khanna re-expose the Facebook privacy gap through a case study that is uploaded to the "Harvard Journal of Technology Science".

 Facebook not so thank Khanna for internships
For his actions, Khanna was supposed to spend the holidays semester for an internship at Facebook eventually have to accept rejection. Head of HRD Facebook contact Khanna and said that writing in the Medium is not in accordance with the ethical standards expected of an apprentice.
Steinfeld justify unilateral termination of apprenticeship contracts from Facebook. "Khanna artificial Map violate our rules as steal data Facebook users. Many times we told him to remove the code file, she instead touting the file. This is wrong and does not fit our vision," he said.
Responding to the termination of his apprenticeship, Khanna undaunted. He argued intentionally made Marauders Map to show up gaps in the system. Hopefully, the social networking immediately rectify weaknesses that harm users.
"I do not target the Marauders Map to be something big," he said.
Khanna finally an internship at a startup in Silicon Valley. He said that the case with Facebook is an "internship experience" truth.

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