Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Google Disappointed with Android One

Smartphones Media Update- One Android phone Google hoped would be a tool to connect billions of people on the Internet. But in fact not the case.

One is Google's Android project in collaboration with a number of local mobile phone manufacturers to create affordable Android smartphone, but has qualified accessibility.

In Indonesia, the mobile phone has been launched, and there were three brands namely Nexian supporters, Evercoss and Mito.

According to the site Re / code, Googel disappointed with Android One because sales were not meeting expectations. To connect billions of people, the phone is expected to sell quite a lot, but it was missed.

 The first 100 days in all types of Android One is expected to sell as many as 700 thousand units, and last the entire phone was estimated 'only' 1.4 million units outstanding.

There are various things that are considered to make the project ''s Andorid' Google does not run properly. Some vendors claimed reluctant to provide after-sales service is expected, on the other hand cheap Android phone market share has been widely eaten by Xiaomi.

Then, if the program's Android is going to end?

"We are not going to close this program. Over time we will continue to make improvements with our partners," said Caesar Sengupta, vice president of product management of Google.

To continue to boost the deployment of Android One, Google is reportedly approached by a number of local producers in seven countries, India, Indonesia and Turkei already agreed with Google's desire.

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