Saturday, August 15, 2015

Facebook Wants to Provide Internet Use Laser

Smartphones Media Update-Other than to say want to update your Facebook status with telepathic powers, Mark Zuckerberg also have a desire to connect the world's citizens to the Internet using a laser program.

This thinking is being constructed in the center of research and development Connectivity Lab belonging to Facebook, one of which focuses on the development of unmanned drone aircraft alias. They have plans to embed the laser to unmanned aircraft and satellites that will emit a signal anywhere.

According to Zuckerberg himself, the plan is believed to dramatically increase the speed of data transmission over long distances. However, do not imagine colorful laser like in a science fiction movie, because Facebook boss said, the laser beam can not be seen naked eye.

In a publication in your Facebook, Zuckerberg did not explain in detail how the program will operate.

The company also has plans utilize Free Space Optics (FSO) for distributing the laser beam in helping to facilitate connectivity. According to The Next Web, FSO laser used in the system is able to provide access to a very high and comparable to fiber optic networks on the ground.

A few days ago, Zuckerberg said he wants to harness the power of telepathy to facilitate communication.

"One day, I believe we will be able to send rich experience with each other directly using the technology without limits," he said in response to questions about the future of the company.

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