Saturday, August 15, 2015

Facebook and Twitter Incarnate Be Portal News?

Smartphones Media Update- social networks Facebook and Twitter are now increasingly being used as a source of news. At least according to a report by the Pew Research Center, a research institute.

Pew Research Center showed that about 63 percent of Twitter and Facebook users now use both a giant platform as a source of news. The figure jumped from 2013 that only about 50 percent.

Citing reports Time, it is actually not too surprising. Both social media have the same reliable features that are supporting the deployment of the latest news.

Twitter has launched a live broadcast video streaming applications, Periscope. Periscope itself quickly reported directly used by many journalists from around the world. While Facebook has a column "Trending Now" any topic that shows the most lively discussion.

Later came the news that Twitter would soon introduce Project Lightning, a new initiative that will organize live news events, including breaking news.

The Pew report also shows that Twitter users who follow news accounts of the amount doubled from Facebook users.

Frequency of Twitter users who viewed a series of events and stories about international relations, government and national politics, business, and sports is also somewhat more than 'the people' Facebook.

Then about four percent of Facebook users and eight percent of Twitter users assume these platforms as the "most important way to get the news."

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