Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 12 Peak Of The Perseid Meteor Showers
Smartphones Media Update- A natural phenomenon that occurs every year will return visited Earth. Perseid meteor shower will peak on August 12 until August 13 next week.

Launched by page Royal Astronomical Society, Saturday, August 8th, 2015, this time the meteor shower is predicted to be quite obvious. Currently in some parts of the world, the weather is quite bright. This allows the emergence of hundreds of meteors that will be visible anywhere in the evenings.

Meteor, otherwise known as shooting stars, is a clear form of small particles from the remnants of a comet. The size is very small, about the size of sand even when entering the Earth's atmosphere in a great pace.

 Perseid meteor debris tail is the rest of the Swift-Tuttle comet, which once passed close to the Earth in 1992. The comet debris left towards the earth. As I entered the Earth's atmosphere, these particles heats the air in the region they passed.

This is what causes meteor often turn out to be the light that falls onto the surface of the earth. Perseid name is taken from one of the most shining point of the current in the constellation Perseus.

NASA detects, meteor it actually has begun to fall since July 17 and will end on 24 August. In this period, only a few meteors were able to manifest themselves within every hour.

 But the number of meteors that rained down on the earth will be more and more on August 12 to 13 August. The number could reach hundreds of meteors. However, depending on the weather phenomena take place, and also the position of the monitors.

"This year, a phenomenon that can be seen quite well. The new moon on the 14th of August will make the vision of the meteor becomes clear," said Dr. Sam Lindsay of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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