Tuesday, August 11, 2015

All Around Of Indonesia 'Fall' Perseid Meteor

Smartphones media Update- Head of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan), Thomas Jamaluddin, said Indonesia has the opportunity to enjoy the Perseid meteor. In fact, the entire region in Indonesia can enjoy the natural performances.

Thomas reveals, this Perseid meteor occurs in mid-August, from 12 to 14 August. However, the peak itself will take place on 13 August.

"It can be seen from the pass (hours) midnight until dawn in the north," said Thomas to via telephone, Tuesday, August 11, 2015.

 Thomas continued, essentially the entire region of Earth will see the Perseid meteor decorate the night sky. With conditions, throughout the region is still possible to see the constellation Perseus. This constellation Perseus, from midnight to be in the sky to the northeast, then dawn shifted to the north.

"So long as it can see the constellations persues it will look meteor fall. The fall of the Perseid meteor is like a star that is moving quickly and it was expected to peak on August 13," he said.

To enjoy the natural beauty treats, Thomas says there are three main requirements, including the sky in bright conditions or no rain, not affected by light pollution, and the field of view is not obstructed. For the field of view, because the Perseid meteor occurred in the north, then in that direction should not be deterred

 In fact, he suggested for those who want to see the Perseid meteor does not use visual aids, such as a telescope. Therefore, meteors come from comet Swift-Tuttle can be seen with the naked eye.

"In addition, when using the telescope will unobstructed field of vision. Preferably without tools, even with the naked eye field of view so spacious but if the telescope possibility unobstructed field of view," said Thomas.

Regarding the impact of this meteor fall to Earth, Thomas promised that there would be no direct impact. Because the Perseid meteor that fell in the form of dust conditions.

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