Monday, September 21, 2015

Save Naked Photo in Mobile, Teen 16 Years Threatened jail

Smartphones Media Update

A number of experts have taken the decision in the courts of North Carolina, by demanding a boy of 17 years who has nude photos of him.
The photographs were found when a teenager named Cormega Copening it was 16 years old. He must acquire a defense that has the potential not registered as a sex offender and ended up in jail.
For his actions, he was suspended as a quarterback on the football team. And he was embarrassed because the case has been circulating on social media. He even had to be willing to be examined by law enforcement during the year.
In this case Copening charged as criminals under the law fornografi child, in the case of sexual exploitation of minors. Similarly, as quoted from the Telegraph, Tuesday (22/09/2015).
While his girlfriend, Brianna Denson, prosecuted for having nude pictures of herself on the smartphone. This act is called illegal for children who have not been categorized as adult who has nude photos themselves.
Even so, according to the regulations and local laws (North Carolina, USA), having sex will not violate the law because they were at that time 16 years old.
That happened in this case is "sexting", where they take and have nude pictures of himself, not of one another.
Justin Patchin, a professor of criminal law at the University of Wisconsin and founder, said that he had heard of a case involving an aged under 18 years who is accused of having nude photographs of herself on their smartphones.
"Children should not be penalized for it, and you do not want children to send pictures to other people. But I think it should not be a criminal offense because there is no victim," said Patchin.

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