Saturday, September 26, 2015

Samsung Teasing iPhone Launch 6s Event

Smartphones Media Update - The fierce competition between Apple and Samsung has become common knowledge. Rivalry between the two more obvious when Samsung reportedly trying to "disrupt" 6s iPhone launch event in London, England.

Apple has started selling iPhone 6s and 6s Plus in several countries, including the UK. Like the previous iPhone launch, the line looks snaking in front of Apple retail stores can be the first to get the latest smartphones.

Apparently Samsung has not let Apple iPhone 6s enjoyed popularity for granted. Samsung reportedly sent a number of its employees to try to disrupt the launch of Apple's iPhone 6s in stores located in Regent Street, London.

The employees were carrying banners reading "The Itch To Switch Got Bigger", to promote the latest smartphone the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge +. They also distributed flyers to people around the Apple store.
 Parade promotional Galaxy S6 Edge + of course attention, given amid the fanboy-called queue for fans of Apple products. In addition, employees Samsung appears wearing a white sweater with the words "Samsung Galaxy S6 edge +" are striking. As reported by Phone Arena, Saturday (26/09/2015)

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