Monday, September 28, 2015

Apple Successfully Sell 13 Million Units iPhone 6S and 6S Plus week

Smartphones Media Update - Apple has just announced its success to sell 13 million units of iPhone and iPhone 6S 6S Plus in just over a week. These notes record sales of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus which sold 10 million units in a week, and prove that Apple is still able to provide interesting innovations for consumers.

"Sales of the iPhone and iPhone 6S 6S Plus phenomenal, broke all sales records in a week in the history of Apple," said Apple CEO Tim Cook on Monday (28/09/2015).

For information, the new Apple iPhone selling iPhone 6S and 6S Plus since 25 September. Tim added, consumers really like the 3D feature-Touch and Live Photo on the iPhone.

Furthermore, Apple will officially sell the iPhone 6S and 6S iPhone in more than 40 countries from 9 October

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