Monday, September 21, 2015

5 Most Bizarre Crimes Related to Facebook

Smartphones Media Update

Freedom in the use of social media today makes users sometimes underestimate what they post, apparently trivial post which they could be bad.
Trivial matter, for example, when clicking "update status" was somewhere ". Unconsciously, it invites thieves to entered into a house.
Well, the following 5 most anek crimes committed by users facebook:

1.Remaja who tried to hire a hitman on Facebook

A teenager who faces 11-12 years in prison after agreeing to a plea agreement on the charge using facebook as a medium to hire a hitman to kill a woman who had been accused of raping her. Christian Adams berusian nineteen teenagers accept a plea agreement on charges of rape, and a number of others. In July 2010, a woman accused Adams of raping her after a party.

 2. The man who was arrested for pretending to be a Moroccan prince on Facebook

 In the United States pretends to be a celebrity through online is something of a trend. In 2008 the Moroccan authorities arrested a man for making identity on Facebook under the guise brother of King Mohamed VI. Fouad Mourtada, was arrested and charged with "violating the crime". He just faked Facebook profile, does not mean to harm or insinuating but it is safe he did because what he wrote in facebook it is not very funny to the Moroccan government.

 3. Women are punished for decapitating the rats and then posted on Facebook

 Queensland a young woman who has escaped prison in a case of animal cruelty, which he recorded while decapitating a rat before it is posted to facebook. There is another case of the same with the Queen, Naomi Anderson name. He pled guilty to charges of animal cruelty in the Caboolture Magistrates Court in July 2011. Naomi had used a steak knife to cut off the head of a rat, and then in the post through facebook, she received 18 months of detention and 180 hours of community service to serve.

 4. Couple arrested for eating rare iguanan posted to Facebook

 In America two lovers went into a holding cell because eating endangered iguana. They were arrested after state officials saw her pictures on facebook. Vanessa Starr Palm pair of Illinois and Alexander Daniel Rust of Indiana is charged with violating animal protection measures and fined $ 500 bail each. Iguana including animals protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Florida.

 5. Two teenagers accused of cyberstalking after hacking into facebook classmates

 Two teenage girls in the US is accused of hacking into a classmate on the facebook page a
nd post sexual photos. They are charged with cyberstalking and using a computer without permission. Both the defendant used the victim's password information to post on her sexual content posted on facebook, they also posted a message that indicates the victim was willing to perform sex acts on people.

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