Saturday, August 8, 2015

Microsoft's Browser Edge in Windows 10 Make Mozilla Furious

Smartphones Media Update-Mozilla as a browser application developers (browser) Firefox expressed dislike of Microsoft that makes Edge as a browser option automatically (default) in the Windows 10 operating system.

This disappointment was delivered Mozilla CEO Chris Beard in an open letter to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. He called Microsoft's move as "aggressive movement which override the user's choice."

 "The process of reform (operating system-ed) now seems deliberately designed to dispose of the user's choice over the Internet experience they want, and replace it with Microsoft's Internet experience," he wrote.

Beard called the Microsoft browser applications "confusing, difficult to navigate, and easy to mislead."

 This open letter indicates the attitude Mozilla wants more users of devices running Windows 10.

Microsoft's own response to the open letter and said they were still giving users the option to specify the default browser application.

 "During the update, the consumer has the option to set the default application, including web browsers. After the update, they can easily select the default browser," Microsoft spokesman said as quoted by CNet, Friday (31/7).According to a study in June 2015 that records Internet traffic, agency Net Applications said that Firefox is in third place with a user's preferred browser market share of 12 percent, compared to Microsoft's Internet Explorer at 58.1 percent, and Google Chrome 27.2 percent.Edge itself is a new browser that replaces Microsoft Internet Explorer in Windows 10. However, Microsoft still maintains the Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10 versions of the Enterprise edition aimed at the corporate segment.This step is done because Microsoft saw there corporate design applications to run optimally on the Internet Explorer browser. They worry that these corporate applications do not run optimally on the Edge.

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