Sunday, August 9, 2015

Malware Email ContainsTargeting Prospective Windows 10 User

Smartphones Media Update-The presence of Windows 10 was recently found not only have a positive impact for users, reportedly there are also some who misuse that opportunity.

Cisco technology companies claim to have discovered a dangerous malware attached by email to prospective users of Windows 10. Email containing malware was disguised as if it came from Microsoft.

 Explained further, this threat targeting Windows users are still waiting for an opportunity to upgrade their PCs to the latest operating system, Windows 10.

Quoted from the Mirror, Wednesday (08/05/2015), Nick Biasini as one senior researcher at Cisco said that the aim behind these threats to steal user data for financial purposes.

When the user visits a layman, this malicious email will appear as sent directly by Microsoft, but the grammar is a mess. Anyone who has opened this email will be required to download attachments that are included, namely the bid to upgrade their operating system to Windows 10.

 However, the downloaded file is actually a "gateway" to masukknya dangerous malware known as CTB-Locker. This malware will lock, holding extensive user data using encryption that has been made by the perpetrators of the attack. Victims who want to open a computer is required to pay to use bitcoin.

It is estimated that the perpetrator uses anonymous Bitcoin to remain visible and divert attention from the international legal agencies. To anticipate, Biasini recommend that users always make back-up their data offline to prevent data locked by parties who are not responsible.

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