Monday, August 10, 2015

Astronaut Eating Vegetable Gardening in Space Results
Smartphones Media- For the first time, astrounauts is taking off in the International Space Station (ISS) is scheduled to be eating a dish of vegetables are planted directly in the ISS.

Greenhouses named Pepper was standing on the ISS since 2002. Over the years, Chili used by the astronauts to study plant growth in space microgravity. Interestingly, they all have never tasted a scientific experiment yields the charter.

The crew who now inhabit the ISS will try red romaine lettuce.

 NASA states, vegetables and fruits from space can improve mental health and help supply astronaut to travel as far away as Mars mission.
Scott Kelly, an astronaut who is on a mission One-Year, romaine lettuce was planted on August 8 yesterday and has reached harvest within 33 days.Looks simple, but in fact is not that easy. They do not just sowing seeds, watering every day, then enjoy the harvest.Because in space there is no plot of land for the plant, the astronauts apply Veggie system. So, they use seed that has not been so that then 'destroyed' by the blue and red light from the LED light in order to grow.
Veggie system is considered successful growing plants in 2014, but the results still have to be brought back to Earth.According to NASA, need to be tested in order to know that the plant is safe for consumption, given the open air in the space environment could contaminate it.
Well, because it has got the 'blessing' of NASA, astronauts on the ISS crew was able to eat it. They live lettuce wiping it with special food sterile wipes. The astronauts also have to set aside the vegetables are to be brought to Earth for study.

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