Tuesday, October 6, 2015

BlackBerry Make sure the presence of the Prime Android Phones

Smartphones Media Update - After many rumors circulating, Canadian tech giant, BlackBerry reportedly confirmed plans to release Android-based phone.

BlackBerry parties said that "the company plans to launch a flagship device that will run the Android OS with BlackBerry security system."

 With a handful of newspapers that stuck out, initially BlackBerry will be called handsets such as Venice, but it was later revealed that Android phones are named Priv.

Besides the first Android phone from BlackBerry is going newfangled slider phone and still use the physical keyboard Qwerty trademark.Slider phone itself is a concept phone with a touch screen and a keyboard that slides out (slide-out keyboard).

When announcing the second quarter financial report 2015, BlackBerry also said they were focused on achieving profitable handset business."I confirm our plan to release Priv, Android devices from BlackBerry," said BlackBerry CEO John Chen.He continued, "Priv unify BlackBerry security systems and productivity, complete with a broad ecosystem of mobile apps available on the Android platform."Reportedly, this possibility BlackBerry Android phones released in November and released on the market online and offline.

With the BlackBerry phones based on Android, the company continues to emphasize that they do not get rid of its own operating system.The company helped confirm that BlackBerry OS 10 will continue to be developed and soon launched its latest version, sometime in March 2016.

Some time ago, Director of Corporate Communications, Asia Pacific BlackBerry, Matt Stewart had told CNN Indonesia, the company is going to continue to believe in the BlackBerry 10 OS.BlackBerry 10 itself is not something foreign to Android. Because these operating systems provide a way for Android applications to be installed and run on the device, the move was also a form that BlackBerry 10 are increasingly in demand by users

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