Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Duo 5X and 6P Official Nexus Glide

Smartphones Media Update - Two series of Google's latest flagship smartphone - Nexus 5X and 6P - finally officially introduced last night, Tuesday (09/29/2015). This is indeed the first time Google deliver Nexus series in two series. Each of the Nexus series is produced by two vendors which has been a partner of Google, namely LG and Huawei.

Located in San Francisco, Google menghelat release event of the newest Nexus duo. Both series Nexus has a specification that is taken into account with a smartphone other competitors in its class.

Citing information from CNET, Wednesday (30/09/2015), both Nexus 5X and 6P features a finger scanner sensor (fingerprint) located on the rear cover of the smartphone. The fingerprint feature called Google a "Nexus Imprint" and can serve as a means of payment for Android Pay, which predicted would be a competitor Apple Pay.

 Both series Nexus also has cameras that have already been upgraded with a resolution of 12.3 Megapixels (MP) with features improvisation for taking indoor photos, video recording super-high-resolution 4K, and can create photo GIF, similar to the features of Live Photos new -new is present in the iPhone 6s. For the front camera, 5X Nexus has a resolution of 5 MP, while the Nexus 6P 8 MP resolution.

 Google revealed its true 5X Nexus is the successor of the Nexus 5, so in terms of size is no different from its predecessor series. Likewise with 6P which is a series of 'reincarnation' of Nexus 6, but comes with a myriad increase `wah`.
Meanwhile, the Nexus 6P has a 5.7 inch wide screen, similar to the iPhone 6S Plus which has a 5.5 inch screen. However, Nexus 6P far superior in that regard, where the resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels, compared 6S Plus which is only 1920 × 1080 pixels.
Nexus 6P advantages other than the iPhone 6s Plus is a battery with 3,450 mAh. Nexus 6P easily beat 6s Plus which only 2,915 mAh power. Although there is no battery testing as a comparison, the Nexus 6P battery for it will make it last longer.
Both of these smartphones have been available for a while Google Store preorder in the US, UK, Ireland, and Japan. Nexus 5X will be priced US $ 379, or about Rp 5 million, while the Nexus 6P will be priced at US $ 499

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