Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Too Expensive, Supply iPad Pro Restricted?

Smartphone Media Update - Apple Tablet, iPad Pro, will be launched next month. But according to reports Apple will limit the production orders in view of the selling price is quite high.iPad Pro is priced starting at US $ 799 or equivalent to Rp 10.9 million (USD 13 659 per US $ 1). Price does not include accessories, such as Apple Pencil for US $ 99 or equivalent to Rp 1.3 million and Smart Keyboard for US $ 169 or equivalent to Rp 2.3 million.That is, if you want to buy the tablet and its accessories, consumers have to spend more than $ 1,000 or equivalent to Rp 13.6 million.Reporting Phone Arena, Tuesday (27/10/2015), according to sources in the supply chain, making Apple the selling price could not captivate consumers than businesses. Unfortunately, Apple has said that iPad Pro is designed for enterprise and educational use.Conscious of it, the sources said, Apple just ordered 2.5 million units to be sold before the end of this year. If sales in the holiday season less than satisfactory, product shipments for the first quarter of 2016 could be lower.As for the specifications, iPad Pro has a 12.9-inch screen with a resolution of 2048 x 2732 pixels. The tablet is also supported chipset A9X, rear camera 8 megapixel (MP), and a front camera 1,2MP.

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